#!/usr/bin/env bash # gpg-sign-keys.sh - (semi)automatic GnuPG keysigning for busy people # http://www.roe.ch/GPG # # Copyright (C) 2003-2008, Daniel Roethlisberger # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use, with or without modification, are permitted # provided that the following conditions are met: # 1. Redistributions must retain the above copyright notice, this list of # conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Many thanks to the following contributors of patches and good ideas: # - Tobias Sager # - Daniel Hottinger # - Tobias Klauser # # $Id: gpg-sign-keys.sh 25 2008-12-14 20:07:10Z roe $ REVISION='$Id: gpg-sign-keys.sh 25 2008-12-14 20:07:10Z roe $' ############################################################################## # requirements # GnuPG for the actual signing, of course - http://www.gnupg.org/ # mktemp for secure temp file handling - http://www.mktemp.org/ # An MSA supporting the -s/-c/-b switches (see ``configuration'' below) ############################################################################## # environment vars # MYKEY: Private key(s) to sign with, whitespace separated # CC: Mail addresses to carbon copy the signature notifications # BCC: Mail addresses to blind carbon copy the signature notifications # OWNER: Real name of person running this script, normally from /etc/passwd ############################################################################## # configuration # MSA: Your mail submission agent, called as follows: # cat message | $MSA $MSA_OPTS -s "some subject" -b "$BCC" -c "$CC" $addresses # Using any of mail, mailx or mutt should work fine, though you should make # sure that mail sent this way will have a sensible/valid From: header. MSA="mutt" MSA_OPTS="" # GnuPG # You can use custom extra options to pass to GnuPG, eg. --use-agent for using # gpg-agent, or options affecting the number of questions asked by GnuPG when # signing keys. Use GnuPG options with care: some more intrusive options may # alter the behaviour of GnuPG too much and break the script. GPG="gpg" GPG_OPTS="" ############################################################################## # TODO / known bugs and limitations # Should be done: # - Better support for making gpg ask less questions # - Better support for "check first, then do all the signing", required for # doing any serious work with gpg-agent -- optionally feed list of uids and # fingerprints to ${PAGER:-more} and provide ways to yank out keys without # terminating the key signing process # - Better support for gpg-agent (currently in CVS only, but should work with # the current 1.2.x stable series of GnuPG, which has support for talking # to gpg-agent -- this will make signing many keys even easier) # - Don't send/mail keys when there was nothing to sign # Might be done: # - Add support for encrypting signatures, and only send them to # the email addresses of their respective uid. # - Maybe add some generic form of support for plugging into a # challenge-response system. # I don't think either of these are the Right Thing To Do, but this script # could/should implement them anyway, if just for completeness. ############################################################################## # check requirements if [ "x`which $GPG`" = "x" ]; then echo "${SCRIPT}: Get and install GnuPG from http://www.gnupg.org/" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "x`which mktemp`" = "x" ]; then echo "${SCRIPT}: Get and install mktemp from http://www.mktemp.org/" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "x`which $MSA`" = "x" ]; then echo "${SCRIPT}: Cannot find your MSA $MSA - fix \$MSA in $SCRIPT" >&2 exit 1 fi ############################################################################## # check and parse options and environment # script basename SCRIPT=`basename $0` # usage and version version() { echo "$SCRIPT `echo $REVISION | awk '{ print $3 }'`" >&2 echo "Copyright (C) 2003-2008, Daniel Roethlisberger " >&2 echo "Distributed under a BSD style license, see source for details." >&2 echo "Check http://dragon.roe.ch/bitsnpieces/scripts/gpg/ for updates." >&2 exit 1 } usage() { cat >&2 <&2 usage fi # need at least a keyid or keyring if [ "x$ids$keyring" = "x" ]; then echo 'You must provide key id(s) to sign, or use -f on a keyring file!' >&2 usage fi ############################################################################## # functions # -opts enabled bold echo shout() { echo -n ${CB} echo $@${CN} } # ask "Question" [y|n] ask() { local ans opts [ "$2" = "y" ] && opts="[Y/n]" || opts="[y/N]" while true; do read -p "$1? $opts " ans [ -z "$ans" ] && ans=${2:-n} case "$ans" in y|Y|j|J) return 0 ;; n|N) return 1 ;; esac done } # $1: id, $2: address mail_key() { mail_id="$1" mail_address="$2" mykey_list=`echo $MYKEY | sed 's/ /, /g'` if [ `echo $MYKEY | wc -w` -eq 1 ]; then key_s='key' else key_s='keys' fi cat <$tmp Hi, this is the $SCRIPT script running on behalf of $OWNER. Below is your signed key $id. Please do not forget to sign my owner's $key_s $mykey_list as well. If you have reasons not to sign the $key_s, my owner would like to know about them. EOF if [ "x$nosend" = "x" ]; then cat <>$tmp Additionally your signed key has been uploaded to the keyservers. EOF else cat <>$tmp Your key has not been uploaded to any keyserver. Please make sure that you upload your key and its signatures manually. EOF fi if [ -n "$append" -a -r "$append" ]; then cat "$append" >>$tmp fi $GPG --fingerprint $mail_id >>$tmp $GPG --armor --export $mail_id >>$tmp if [ -r ~/.signature ]; then cat <>$tmp -- EOF cat ~/.signature >>$tmp fi if [ "x$noencrypt" = "x" ]; then mv $tmp $tmp.orig $GPG --armor --encrypt --encrypt-to $mail_id --recipient $mail_id < $tmp.orig > $tmp 2>/dev/null rm $tmp.orig fi cat $tmp | $MSA $MSA_OPTS -s "Your key $mail_id signed by $mykey_list" $mailopts $mail_address } # clean up cleanup() { rm -rf $tmpdir } # console interrupt (ctrl-c) trap_int() { shout 'Chickening out, already?' cleanup exit 2 } # terminate trap_term() { shout 'Ouch!' cleanup exit 2 } ############################################################################## # set up things # GnuPG GPG="$GPG --no-auto-check-trustdb $GPG_OPTS" # colours: bold and normal CB='' CN='' # get owner name if [ "x$OWNER" = "x" ]; then owner_id=`id -un` OWNER=`grep "^$owner_id:" /etc/passwd | cut -f 5 -d ':' | sed 's/^\([^,]*\),.*$/\1/'` OWNER=${OWNER:-my owner} fi # set mail options mailopts='' if [ "x$BCC" != "x" ]; then MAILOPTIONS="$mailopts -b $BCC" fi if [ "x$CC" != "x" ]; then MAILOPTIONS="$mailopts -c $CC" fi # trap signals trap 'trap_int' 2 trap 'trap_term' 15 # temp files tmpdir=`mktemp -d -t gpg-sign-keys.XXXXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1 tmp="$tmpdir/mail.tmp" ############################################################################## # process keyring, if necessary, and prune id list # check keyring file, dearmor if [ "x$keyring" != "x" ]; then keyring=`echo "$keyring" | awk '!/\// { print "./" $1 } /\// { print $1 }'` if [ ! -r "$keyring" ]; then echo "${SCRIPT}: $keyring: No such keyring." >&2 exit 1 fi keyring_ext=`echo "$keyring" | sed 's/^.*\.\([^.]*\)$/\1/'` if [ "x$keyring_ext" = "xasc" ]; then if [ "$noask" ] || \ ask "Automatically dearmor keyring $keyring" n; then shout "Dearmoring keyring $keyring to $keyring.gpg" $GPG --dearmor $keyring || exit 1 keyring="$keyring.gpg" if [ ! -r "$keyring" ]; then echo "${SCRIPT}: $keyring: No such keyring. Dearmoring failed?" >&2 exit 1 fi else echo "${SCRIPT}: $keyring: Keyring is ASCII armored. Dearmor it manually." >&2 exit 1 fi unset ans fi fi if [ "x$ids" = "x" ]; then GPG_KEYRING="$GPG --no-default-keyring --keyring $keyring" ids=`$GPG_KEYRING --list-keys | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '/^pub/ { print $3 }'` # import keys to main keyring if [ "x$noimport" = "x" ]; then shout "Importing keys from $keyring into default keyring..." $GPG_KEYRING --export | $GPG --import else shout "Skipping import - you should make sure all keys are in your default keyring" fi fi for myid in $MYKEY $except; do ids=`echo $ids | sed "s/ *$myid */ /g"` done ids=`echo $ids | sed -e 's/ */ /g' -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g'` ############################################################################## # main loop if [ `echo $ids | wc -w` -lt 1 ]; then shout 'No keys to sign!' cleanup exit 0 fi # give last chance to chicken out echo "This script's owner: $OWNER" echo "Your private key(s): $MYKEY" echo "List of keys to sign: $ids" if [ "x$noask" = "x" ]; then shout "Press enter to proceed or Ctrl-C to abort..." read p fi # check for missing ids in local keyring unset import_ids for id in $ids; do if ! $GPG --fingerprint $id > /dev/null 2>&1; then import_ids="$import_ids $id" fi done if [ "x$import_ids" != "x" ]; then echo "Could not find the following ids in the local keyring:" echo "$import_ids" if ask "Import missing ids now" y; then $GPG --recv-keys $import_ids fi fi # process all keys for id in $ids; do shout "Now processing key: $id" # signing if [ "x$nosign" = "x" ]; then for myid in $MYKEY; do shout "Using your key: $myid" $GPG -u $myid --sign-key $id done else shout "Skipping signature creation" fi # sending to keyserver if [ "x$nosend" = "x" ]; then shout "Sending key $id to keyserver..." $GPG --send-key $id else shout "Skipping send to keyserver" fi # sending by email if [ "x$nomail" = "x" ]; then address=`$GPG --list-key $id | egrep '<.*>' | sed 's/^.*<\(.*\)>.*$/\1/g' | head -1` if [ "x$address" = "x" ]; then shout "No email address for key $id:" $GPG --list-key $id if [ "x$noask2" = "x" ]; then shout -n "Enter email address for key $id: " read address fi fi if [ "x$address" != "x" ]; then if [ "$noask" ] || \ ask "Send key $id to $address" n; then shout "Sending key $id to $address" mail_key $id $address else shout "No email sent to owner of key $id" fi else shout "Will not send email to owner of key $id - no address given" fi else shout "Skipping mail" fi done # clean up and update trustdb cleanup if [ "x$noupdate" = "x" ]; then shout "Updating trustdb - this could take a while..." gpg --update else shout "Skipping trustdb update - you should run gpg --update-trustdb manually." fi shout "Done."